Ssh.jar iphone 4
Ssh.jar iphone 4

In WinSCP right explorer pane, navigate to /Mnt1/Applications and delete folderĨ. In WinSCP look for Terminal and open it, then execute command, make sure the terminal says 'Mounting /dev/disk0s1s1 on /mnt1' and “Mounting /dev/disk0s1s2 on /mnt2' then close Terminal.ħ. Open WinSCP and input, host name, port 2022, user name root, password alpine and press loginĦ.

ssh.jar iphone 4

Start SSH.jar and wait until you see Success! written with green in the log there, also the iPhone will show the Apple logo with a grey horizontal line on its sreenĥ. Put your iPhone 4 into DFU mode (search on Google if you don't know how)Ĥ. Download and extract GW_iCloud_Bypass.rarģ.

ssh.jar iphone 4

Download and install Java Development Kit (32 bit)Ģ.

Ssh.jar iphone 4